Join AAU and MJVBA

MI JR VB  Eligibility Instructions and Check List
  • Read instructions for all 4 steps before beginning the registration process. When registering make sure steps are completed in order as directions specify.
  • After reading the through the steps below if you have any questions contact Michigan JR VB.
  • New Clubs in order to avoid duplication of Club Names, send your club name to Michigan JR VB for approval prior to registration.
    • Click here for a list of current MI  VB clubs registered with AAU.
  • In order for a club to be eligible to compete in any AAU tournaments, The club and all its participants, athletes and non-athletes must be current AAU members
  • Check the AAU Girls  Age Divisions for your athletes.
  • Check the AAU Age Divisions for your athletes. 
  • Completing all steps is not an automatic pass to play in events. Each team must present either an AAU generated roster or an AES Roster Imported from the AAU Website at each event.

Club Directors Follow Steps 1-4 Below

Be Prepared:

Club and non-athlete memberships are no longer renewable. All non-athlete applications will have an automatic background check. Please allow 10 days for membership to be processed.

Step 1: National AAU Club and Club Contact Membership
  1. 3 different club levels available
  2. If you have the AAU Membership account log in if not create an account
  3. Register your club all contacts at the same time for 1-4 years
  4. All adults involved in your club must have a current  AAU Non-Athlete Membership
  5. Wait until you have your National AAU club code before registering your athletes. If your athletes are registering themselves, provide them with your National AAU club Code and stress the importance of putting the club code on their membership application.
  6. If a coach registered prior to having your club code use this link to add your club code to their membership ( make sure to click on save).
Step 2: Michigan JR VB Club Membership

Stay up to date with AAU Volleyball – Register your club with Michigan JR VB

Step 3: Club Verification of Insurance Certificate

Log in to your AAU Account to request practice  insurance certificates

Obtain 3rd Party Insurance Certificates for your practice facilities .

  • Go to
  • Log onto your account.
  • 2023 Clubs  you may renew and print insurance certificates.
  • New Clubs you may request and print insurance certificates.
Step 4: Individual Memberships National AAU
  • Go to
  • Register all athletes and non-athletes with the National AAU.
  • Before beginning this process make sure you have your current National AAU club code to enter on all athlete and non-athlete individual membership cards. Your National AAU club code the one you received when completing Step 1
  • When checking out make sure to enter a valid email address.

Every person in your club must be an AAU member to participate in a try-out, practice or compete for in AAU event.

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